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My destination is no longer a place, but a new way of seeing.

- Marcel Proust

About Nature therapy

One way to describe Nature and Forest therapy is as unhurried walks of relatively short distance with sensory focus. And while it does explain the basics, there's so much more to it!

It is a guided experience of bodyfullness with a focus on stepping out of the mind, cultivating and maintaining the relationship with ourselves, each other, and with the more-than-human world. There are numerous environmental and social benefits affecting us and the whole biosphere, that can arise when people become more connected to and more aware of their relationship with nature.

We are so used to explaining and filtering everything through our minds, however, Nature therapy is a heart-centred, bodyfullness practice. Therefore, it is not possible to entirely capture the essence of the experience and the whole practice in any short phrase or description - it is best to see it yourself!

Nature lacks the biases of culture and is governed by what is real. It shows the reality of who you are, your whole self. Nature in its strength lets you unshield - and sometimes even demands it.

It allows coming close to the 'real you' - without meaningless titles and external decorations. I can say with confidence in my heart that Nature Therapy is a journey towards our own authenticity.

About Ance Zake

Ance Zake is a Nature therapy guide certified by the ANFT (Association of Nature and Forest Therapy, USA), guiding both in Switzerland and Latvia.

With a background in the culture and tourism industries and having lived in various locations on the globe, Ance has diverse work and life experience. She's fluent in English and Latvian and also speaks some Russian and German - but most importantly, she knows the language of the heart.

She's driven by exploring nature's treasures and authentic human connection, aspires to an active and conscious lifestyle and enjoys educating herself in various fields & topics.

Reviews of the experiences guided by Ance:

"It was the first time in my life I looked at nature with such awareness. The most magical feeling for me was the sense that I'm safe - like nature is holding and supporting me."  

- Elina (39, masseuse)

"I felt at peace. That kind of peace when the mind is still. Ance's capability to hold space helped me feel accepted, liberated and calm." 

- Marta (29, Yin yoga teacher)

"This experience made me notice such details around me that normally I would have missed. It totally expanded my perception! Amazing!" 

- Elvis (30, software engineer)

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